Saturday, February 8, 2014

Beat Winter's Chill with a Warm Heart...

Today's craft is inspired by the never-ending snow the East Coast has been getting and, of course, Valentine's Day.  It's an adorable combo of winter and romance...Love's Snowflake :)

These are super-easy to make and require only a few materials:  paper, pencil, scissors, and glue.

How to Make It:

STEP 1:  Cut out a paper circle at least 4 inches in diameter (the larger the circle, the easier to work with).
STEP 2:  Fold circle in half.
STEP 3:  Fold in half again.
STEP 4:  Fold in half again.

STEP 5:  Draw this template onto your triangle.  Cut shaded areas with scissors.

STEP 6:  Unfold and voila!
Glue to card stock or construction paper to make a card, attach to a gift bag, or string together a whole bunch for a pretty Valentine's Day garland.
Kids will love this project because it's quick and easy.  Parent's will love this because there is very little mess ( just a few paper shavings).  HAVE FUN!

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