Wednesday, February 12, 2014

New Crafts Are on the Way...

Sorry I haven't posted in a few days but weather and life have kept me busy.  Don't worry, I have been faithfully crafting but haven't been able to post yet.  More to come soon!

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Beat Winter's Chill with a Warm Heart...

Today's craft is inspired by the never-ending snow the East Coast has been getting and, of course, Valentine's Day.  It's an adorable combo of winter and romance...Love's Snowflake :)

These are super-easy to make and require only a few materials:  paper, pencil, scissors, and glue.

How to Make It:

STEP 1:  Cut out a paper circle at least 4 inches in diameter (the larger the circle, the easier to work with).
STEP 2:  Fold circle in half.
STEP 3:  Fold in half again.
STEP 4:  Fold in half again.

STEP 5:  Draw this template onto your triangle.  Cut shaded areas with scissors.

STEP 6:  Unfold and voila!
Glue to card stock or construction paper to make a card, attach to a gift bag, or string together a whole bunch for a pretty Valentine's Day garland.
Kids will love this project because it's quick and easy.  Parent's will love this because there is very little mess ( just a few paper shavings).  HAVE FUN!

Quote of the Day

So true!

Perfect Valentine's Day Gift...

Not only a great Valentine's Day gift but also ideal as a wedding present :)

Lady & The Tramp Silhouette Set

Valentine Envelope (Yesterday's Craft O' The Day)

Just in time for Valentine's Day, this is a cute little craft that can be finished in no time and is perfect for gift-giving...  

The Valentine Envelope:

This is a straight single crochet pattern so it is great for beginners.  You basically crochet an 8-inch square, fold and sew it together, and finish the edges.  

I found the free pattern on Lion Brand's website and used some spare yarn I had in the house.  Red and white yarns are always handy to have because you can use them for Christmas and Valentine's Day :)

I think these envelopes are great for giving to a child with a little surprise in it- candy, toys, money, or an origami heart ;)

Very easy, very sweet!  ENJOY!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Mittens for the Whole Family

Sorry there was no new posting yesterday but our house was without power for about 10 hours.  I did, however, make a craft to share :)  Some cute little mittens for my daughter:

You can find the pattern at Lion Brand's website.  I used a different brand of yarn than Homespun but it worked just as nicely.  I'm still trying to get the whole thumb thing down but it'll do for now :)