Thursday, January 30, 2014

A Must Try...

German Cherry Crumble Cheesecake

There's just something about a crumb topping that makes everything taste that much better!  Here is the link to the recipe which came from a blog called Retro Mummy.  Like all recipes that I try out I usually make my own little tweaks to i,t and this recipe was no exception.  Here are my DO's and DON'T's for this cake:

1.  DO Save the cherry juice!  This makes the "cherry" in cherry cheesecake so don't waste it!  I put the juice aside and drizzled it throughout- on top of the base of the cake, in the cheesecake batter, and on top of the crumble.  Not only does it make the cake taste even better but it looks pretty, too ;)

2. DO  Bake the base of the cake for 10-12 minutes before adding the cheesecake batter.  This gives it a nice golden color and it makes a nice solid base.  Also, the smell of it baking will make the mouths of everyone in your house water and wonder what culinary masterpiece you are whipping up in the kitchen.

3.  DON'T use room temperature butter when making the crumble topping.  Instead, add a couple tablespoonfuls of butter straight from the fridge to the portion of the crumble used for the topping.  The best way to get the "crumble" effect is for the butter to be slightly hard (not softened).

4.  DON'T use the extra sugar that the author recommended for the batter.  The key to a good cheesecake (and I've made many throughout my illustrious amateur baking career) is not to make it too sweet because it takes away from the overall flavor of the cake.  A little sweetness is all you need for a great cheesecake, especially when it's going to have a fruit mixed in with it.

5.  DO add extra cherries on top of the cake.  This makes for a lovely presentation and extra cherry goodness.

And voila!  Those are my tips for this recipe.  While I'm no expert I think you'll be pleased with the results.  Happy Baking!

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